Monday, August 9, 2010

ATTENTION Caulfield-the -Yank


I know you occasionally read this blog so I hope you see this. You dropped me a line on that I'm only after seeing now. Tried to send you a private message, but couldn't, as I don't have requisited number of posts.

Answer to your question is yes please, the more attention the better!

Also, fairplay to you, Scotstown man! Good to see a Monaghan fella done well in the US



  1. Well, actually, the Monaghan fella that done well in the US was my grandfather. (The bar business was especially good during Prohibition!)

    As for me, I really am a Yank.

  2. Ah sure listen, you're still more Monaghan to the locals than I am (as a Dub!). At least they can place you.

    And as for your grandfather, Drinking establishments that fly in the face of good legal advice can be something of a Border county specialty!
